The new features and improvements of Meridian Enterprise Server include:
A new type of document collection can be made called a package. A package is a set of documents contained in an archive (ZIP) file. They can be used to send documents to people who do not have access to Meridian Explorer, for example, or as simple transmittals. Packages are to Meridian Explorer what briefcases are to Meridian Enterprise but simpler. However, the two are different and are not interchangeable.
One way that packages are different from briefcases is that packages are sent by Meridian Enterprise Server to a different file storage system (Windows file system, FTP site, cloud service, etc.), not to a person by email. Meridian Explorer uses the BlueCielo Publisher system links to transfer the documents for you. You only need to select a Publisher job, specify the contents of the package, and instruct Meridian Explorer to send it. The rest is automatic but you can monitor the status of the package to verify that it was sent. You may also view packages that have already been sent and search for documents inside packages.
Internal functionality has been added that enables advanced repository synchronization troubleshooting by BlueCielo Technical Support.